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Old 10-08-2003, 01:58 PM   #1
ARiA should edit this
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Default Hey Everyone!

I have missed you guys SOOOOOOOOOOO much! I pop in every once in a while to see how everybody's doing, but I have been keeping busy..
I am not with AEBN anymore as of 6 months or so-
and I'm not doing ANYTHING in the industry now, BUT I still visit a few sites from time to time
For the most part I am trying to enjoy some of the free time I have-
and I am planning to fly out to Los Angeles in the next few weeks or so- I REALLY want to check out a few parts of California, and then from there I am driving to Oregon to visit with my Older brother for a few days. then driving back (which I have been told is nuts) to NC. I can't wait!

Well I hope everyone has been doing ok (scratch that) I hope you are all having the time of your lives!! I am absolutely in love with every person that I have had the pleasure of getting to know- and I see a LOT! of new faces too! cool. hello to everyone I haven't met (I probably luv you guys too)

Mucho congrats to you guys (FB, EC) for spawning possibly the most handsome absolutely, ADORABLE little guy I have ever seen! I am scared to have kids of my own now for fear that he wont such a beautifully shaped head! LOL way to go guys!

Thanks Chris for fixing me up so I can post again! I really did miss all of you guys!

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