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Old 10-12-2003, 09:42 AM   #1
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Citizen X
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Cool Post your galleries on lots of TGP sites for free


If you post TGP galleries and are looking for new places to post your galleries then post to my gallery pool. Just one submission gets your gallery on lots of sites, it is free to use, and as easy as posting to just one site. The idea is that instead of posting to a TGP site, your gallery is listed in a pool of galleries in my webmaster lounge so any webmaster who runs a TGP site and needs some galleries will see your gallery and post it on his site. It is free to use for both posting and collecting, no registration is needed, you just submit your gallery on a form in the same way that you would submit a gallery to a single site, but instead of just being seen on one site, your gallery ends up on lots of sites. Maximum traffic for minimum work !

And if you run a TGP site and need more galleries, it is free for you to use too, just come and collect the galleries you need in "ready to paste" form. Fill up your listings in only a few seconds !

If you are thinking of starting a TGP site but do not want the hastle of running a submission page, you now don't have to, you can just use our pool for your galleries (If you want to you can even send webmasters to our page as though it is your own submission page).

You can find it here :
<a href="http://www.free-internet-porn.com/webmasters/">http://www.free-internet-porn.com/webmasters/</a>
Not only the best webmaster's resource site, we also have a TGP pool where you can post your galleries to, and get them seen on many TGP sites (or if you have a TGP site, and need more posts, you can collect them here).
<a href="http://www.free-internet-porn.com/webmasters/">http://www.free-internet-porn.com/webmasters/</a>
Also, you will find a kick ass article on getting plenty of traffic.
<a href="http://www.free-internet-porn.com/webmasters/">http://www.free-internet-porn.com/webmasters/</a>
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