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Thread: Acacia's fall?
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Old 10-15-2003, 04:03 AM   #3
-=HUNGRYMAN=- should edit this
B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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Acacia never claimed that they INVENTED streaming video ...

The only thing they did was to purchase the patent. They had an over-zealous (probably aspiring and trying to make a name for themself) legal-type person, research various patents, and find that the patent for streaming video was not secured, so they bought it ... and now they are trying to profit from it ...

Is it unethical ??? Sure!
But is it illegal ??? HELL NO!

The exact same thing has been done many times before ... but just never on such a large scale.

Bottom line is, it will come down to who has the deeper pockets. Eventually somebody is going to run out of money fighting, or decide it is no longer financially viable, and when this happens, then we will know the outcome.

Acacia took a crapshot that 30 Million will be enough to fight off opposition, Only time will tell.
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