Many people refer to doorway pages, gateway pages, and hallway pages when they speak of SEO techniques.
The term "doorway page" has gotten a bad rap amongst some SEO experts. There's great debates between using the term "doorway page" vs. "search engine friendly" page.
Doorway pages refer to optimizing a page to rank well in search engines. These pages act like an entrance to your main site. Many surfers may not find your site by clicking the main URL. They may enter your site through a page that is optimized for a particular keyword or keyphrase.
"Doorway, gateway, and hallway" pages became well known as a SEO technique. The problem was, people were building pages that were designed for the sole purpose of ranking well in the engines and were not designed for the benefit of the surfer.
"Search engine friendly" or "information" pages are two terms commonly used amongst SEO experts. These pages are designed much like doorway pages in the respect that they act as an entrance to your site, but they still are very different from each other.
Search engine friendly or information pages are built by a human for human viewing. Doorway pages are commonly generated by computer scripts or software.
Information pages/search engine friendly pages generally resemble the color scheme and layout of the main site. Doorway pages are ugly and mostly just text.
Information/search engine friendly pages are keyword rich, but written for the benefit of the surfer. To entice the surfer to visit your site. They provide some kind of benefit for the surfer. Doorway pages are keyword rich, but they usually contain a bunch of useless text that does nothing but display words on a page.
Doorway pages are often cloaked. Meaning the page the surfer views is not the page the search engine reads. Search engine friendly/information pages are never cloaked.
Doorway pages often break the rules of what is acceptable for the search engines. They tend to contain hidden text, keyword stuffing and/or keyword stacking techniques, they are not built to benefit the surfer, cloaking techniques,... Search engine friendly/information sites are designed with spider food, but provide actual content that benefits the surfer.