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Old 10-15-2003, 10:31 PM   #13
EvilDan should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Re: Search Engine - paying per clicks

Originally posted by McSpike
wow, wait a minute, then why did I have to kill all my bids at pageseeker because I was getting hammered when being on top? When on top I was getting real bad ROI and not because of bid cost but because of partner quality. I pay more now on other PPCs than I did on pageseeker when on top and I make profit when on pageseeker I burned the money faster than you can say "mother of god". If there is any PPC I would not recommend that is pageseeker.

There was pageseeker guy on some other webmaster forum letting us know he can help with problems yadda yadda and when about 5 of us told him about a bunch of things that are all wrong at PS he went in to silent mode. LOL
PageSeeker started with traffic from Adult Exits only, so the reality is that you would have had to know the "right" keywords to buy to make it work

But now my ex partner has bought 120,000 domain names, and has pointed all of them at pageseeker.com and roar.com

he has also made long term renatl agreements for domains with huge type in traffic - example - check out porno.com

At porno.com, you should see deans search results
Evil Dan

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