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Thread: Google PR ?
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Old 10-16-2003, 10:09 AM   #7
radicalx should edit this
A Haggis Munching Man
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Hey Stich ;-)

I don't know if this will help ya!!

When building pages for the se's the first thing I do is do a bit of research for the relative keyword I'm going to target!! I look to see how many times it get's searched for etc!!

Then when I go to build my page I start with the directory - then title tag - description - keywords. The on the actual page I use a lot of h1 to h4 tages targetting the specific keyword and a lot of text (at least 250 words but not spamming or over repeating the keyword)!! Also remember to stick keywords into title tags fro linking and alt tags for images!

Google loves content, also as Pandy says relative linking does help! do a search in google for your spefific keywords and the sites with a PR ranking of 4 or higher hit them an e-mail to see if they want to swap links etc!!

I hope it helps ya a bit buddy ;-)
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