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Old 10-16-2003, 01:26 PM   #31
Shann should edit this
Queen Bish
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Yes Sexy Kitten get out from under that shell would you! LOL

RHCP I'm getting scalper tix, I'm sure we can pre-game it some place, like where there is smoking I know they exist I was at some (no bitching SK rofl!) hehe!

I'm still not in Vancouver, seems I somehow LOST my photo id at a club, checking on my chances of getting on a plane or i'm taking the train! NOT hehe Should be leaving tomorrow, staying for 2 weeks looks like, better lay off the fucking rain when I'm there, i'm taking my roller blades!

Uhh is there a convention or something going on there....... hehehehe

Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
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