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Old 10-21-2003, 02:15 PM   #1
Sixstringslong should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Toronto Canada
Posts: 1
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Default calling Canucks and Non Canucks

First off I'd like to say hello to everyone on the site, eveyone seems like a great bunch of people! Happy to have joined...

I am a TV producer trying to make the jump into running a porn site. Unfortunately I am in Canada and most information resources of the industry that I find online tend to be Amnerican. IF there are any webmasters from Canada, specifically Toronto, who can provide me with some links, some info, or any clues to where I can find some legal info on running a site in Canada I will be forever greatful. Other than that I'd like to say hello to everyone and let everyone know that I have experience shooting, editing, and graphic design at a proffesional level. I really want to learn and dont mind helping anyone who can, in turn, teach me a few things in return.

Thats it for now, happy surfing, talk to ya'll soon.

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