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Old 10-25-2003, 10:52 AM   #1
SubSonic should edit this
Citizen X
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Default The best sponsor after my sentence

Hi there!

I'm in this biz for nearly a year now and tried more than 50 sponsors to spot out the one, that pays the most and converts well.

Some days ago i've started to use International Bucks.
And ... i am really amazed!! I am using their dialer program at my TGP and send buyed traffic to the dialer. Hey ... all i can say is ... they convert like hell. Do you need numbers?? No problem. You'll get it:

Dialer converts for me at 1:192
The paysites at 1:238

The payouts for the IB Dialer are nearly the highest in this biz.
Here's a short pullout:

Germany $0.70
Switzerland $1.00
UK $1.20
Austria $1.00
US $0.20
Italy $0.68
Spain $0.40

and so on ....

For signups to their paysites you'll get $30 for each CC and Onlinecheck signup.

Ok ok ... now you'll think "Hey ... this guy is working for them!"
NO! I am not a employee of IB. I am only a guy who's amazed of their service and their rates.

But that's not all. Here's their service:

Free Geo-Targeting
Smart Codes to redirect surfers easily
Free Hosted Galleries
Damn good statistics
Translated Toursites in 10 languages

and much more ....

Think you should try it. Send your traffic to their dialers or to their paysites and get amazed like me.

Best wishes and luck,
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