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Old 11-04-2003, 01:20 PM   #6
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by gunner
no way do the girls see the trailers beforehand, obviously I can't say for sure since I'm not there, but I'd say it's highly unlikely. That's part of the reason I posted this. Do you think these "models" end up getting
taken advantage of?
That question is really impossible to answer unless you have acess to the release forms and the video of the girl that they take before shooting. He would pretty much have to make it clear to the models that the session will include degradation/humiliation to give himself legal protection. If not he would be leaving himself open to charges or civil suits. That said I kind of doubt that the average girl would be very willing to do it if she actually understood the degree of the humiliation before shooting. Unless she was making a LOT of money. But it takes all kinds and some girls for sure will do most anything for money.
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