11-05-2003, 05:34 AM
should edit this
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Canada
Posts: 54
xBucks: 1,434
Originally posted by Brandy
I love you guys! It is so cool to look at those pictures and remember what an amazing time it was to hang out with everyone!
Now Diva, I have to admit, you don't take a bad picture, but I saw one that I love of you and Hazel. I need to remember where I saw it and get it to you!
Vid, Sherie, Shaun,Jen, Tara, SexyScribe, Dan, JMAN, GrimShawn, Hazel, Chris, everyone!!!!! Many Kisses!!!! Here's to LoveFest 2!
Many Kisses back!
Amazing time!! It shall be had again!
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