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Old 11-07-2003, 12:44 PM   #6
Kris should edit this
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two nights ago i had a pretty weird dream. i was in a house, it was mine but not where i live now. i had a couple kittens (not a cat person, i really have 2 dogs) and was going to feed them. so i dump the cat food bag out. there were a few birds in it and about 8 baby rattle snakes.

in order for the cats to eat, the snakes had to bite the birds and kill them, then the cats could eat the birds. so this happened. then, i had these damn rattle snakes in my house. the instructions on the bag didn't mention what to do with them. all the sudden 8 turned in to about 20.

so i'm picking them up and popping their heads off. i was freaking out the entire time. then one got me. it hurt a little, then my arm started swelling. no one would take me to the hospital.

finally i ended up at the hospital (not sure how) and they told me i was fine.

alarm clock went off


AIM clkflkris
ICQ 86228368
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