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Old 11-08-2003, 12:06 AM   #7
iroc409 should edit this
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Originally posted by Kenny B
Wow what a coincidence I once had a dream I went to college too!

From that dream I come to these conclusions:
#1 -Your life is about to take some drastic changes, because of these changes your emotions will seem like they are spinning out of control! People will see this happening to you but can’t do anything, it’s up to you to straighten thing out. The g/f in the dream symbolizes that these changes will partly have to do with your personal life, but will affect every aspect of your life.

#2 – You ate certain food late at night and it messed with you’re head!

Either way don’t get into an elevator today!
interesting analysis. i could probably see _some_ of that happening at least. although, hopefully all for the better...

it's interesting to see that i think dreams can foreshadow the future, in some odd ways.

lol... i'm not very often around elevators, either (fortunately, perhaps).
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