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Old 11-09-2003, 09:24 PM   #1
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Default Cool movie on cable!

Hey There!

We spent a relaxing weekend! Yea!!!! We did watch one movie that merits us passing a reccomendation. The movie title is either: Man From Elysium Fields" or "Elysium Fields." The cast included; Andy Garcia, Mick Jagger, James Coburn and some other notables. The story line, which I won't give away, is very different in unusual how they tie the whole plot together.

The story itself is pretty emotional! However, you are glued to the screen and afterwards you feel like you have seen a really cool movie. I don't know why they didn't open wide on the movie, but, hey, if you have cable check it out! I thought it was good enough to start a thread here!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know the crew in Toronto had a great time!
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