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Old 11-13-2003, 11:43 AM   #14
NetRodent should edit this
X Cuseme
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It seems to be conventional wisdom that cross-sells have higher chargeback rates than normal transactions. We cross-sell to our own sites (pre-checked) and don't see a significant difference in the chargeback rate between primary and cross-sold transactions.

This leads me to believe the chargeback problem with cross-sells come from "trading" them with other sites. A fair number of our members write to us when they want to cancel and usually say something simply like "cancel me". They rarely specify the subscription they want to cancel and almost never write seperate emails for the primary and cross-sold subscription. I don't think surfers really realize that there are two seperate subscriptions. Thus when someone writes "cancel me", we cancel both subscriptions.

When a third party becomes involved you really can't cancel both subscriptions unless there's some excellent communication between your customer service departments. The customer thinks he's cancelled but he's still getting billed and by a different entity. I think that's why many people have problems with chargebacks on cross-sells.
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