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Old 11-13-2003, 11:52 AM   #18
Evil Chris
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I'm posting the following which came from a webmaster who wishes to remain anonymous for reasons that are more than obvious.

Hehe my friend, if the industry removed x-sales then 80% of the top 10 would be out of business. They buy blocks of qualified x-sales that have epassport cc cards for $8 each and then each sale they get, they get $4 back from the marketing company.

Companies are having to spend as much as 50k a month in joins.


Chargebacks. If you have over 1% and over 100 cb's and you buy 100k qualified joins over 3 months you cb ratio will go under 1%.

It's a way of business webmasters don't need to know about unless they are paysite owners. Also if I said then every major paysite owner and epoch, could find out that it was me that told the world the dirty secret.

BTW, it has a name at VISA, it's called the Babenet Shave.

The "real" babenet shave is much worse, includes rotation of merchant accounts.. Of course visa does not allow this.

They have agreed to allow this new system which uses epoch accounts.

BTW, epoch has been doign good enough that a lot of "problem" companies are allowed to move over the epoch for a grace period. Epoch then helps the company go under 1%. It's a last hope if you knwo what I mean

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