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Old 11-13-2003, 04:44 PM   #28
Yo Adrian
Yo Adrian should edit this
ICQ 316754
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Originally posted by razoractive
Well since we ( OrgasmCash) don't do cross sales I can't really comment on this...LOL

I am sure there are reasons for Companies such as SC stopping the cross sales, so what are they ?


Aim: Razoractive
Well, the reason is simply to manage our cb% to ensure they remain under the 1% threshhold.

As we all know, members are far more likely to chargeback memberships gained through cross sales. Even when they willingly choose to accept the upsells, many get shocked when both, or all three, sites recur and charge the monthly membership fees.

We've taken some necessary steps to reduce our cb% to 1%, this is simply another one of those steps.

I should mention to all affiliates, this change only affects program owners who used to cross sell to us from their join pages... it does not affect anybody else in any way.

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