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Old 11-13-2003, 06:15 PM   #1
Wizzo should edit this
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Default ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention Solo Girl Sites!


CamClub24.com is proud to offer you a way to Maximize the Money you make from your Site and It's Members with our:

It's Free to You and easy to Setup! We handle the billing, the software, bandwidth, chargebacks/credits and all costs associated with running a live per minute feed and you make 40% of the total revenue. PLUS as a Bonus, you Get free Traffic to your Site!

The way it works is when you are on Live, you will broadcast on both your site and CamClub24.com. Our members will see you along with our other models/performers, but your members will ONLY be able to see you! So that they won't be tempted to leave your site for another, but you can make money from both your and our members!

This plug-in is designed to increase your revenue thru PER MINUTE BILLING for Live Nude shows, It's Not designed to provide FREE nude shows. With this plug-in you can chat for free, but we ask that all nudity, with the exception of small teases, be done in the VIP chat area. IF you aren't interested in increasing your revenue, but are simply looking to add a chat feature to your site, this may not be the right product for you! If more CA$H is what your looking for, then sign up Today!

To get more info or sign up: CLICK HERE
or you can contact me at:
webmaster at camclub24.com or ICQ-117009101
ICQ# 117009101
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