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Old 11-15-2003, 06:25 AM   #1
Paul Markham
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Default Had anything from Acacia?

I now have a way to hit back at Acacia for all the packages, letters, emails and phone calls they have been sending us.

So if you received one of the above contact me by email paul@paulmarkham.com and I will forward it to the right people.

Give me as much info as you can, especially if the information that Acacia used to send to you was wrong in any way or if you are based in a country not covered by their patents or you do not have video or audio on your site.

We want to show they are sending these out untargeted without proof you are violating and that they are bulk mailing them.

Plus is this good news or what, at last they are waking up to these BS patents.

Keep bouncing the thread please.

Get 25 sets of your choice for $200 or 50 for $300.

ICQ ME HERE 213 327 873
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