11-15-2003, 11:56 PM
should edit this
Bold, brave,& opinionated
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Terminatorville!!
Posts: 299
xBucks: 2,900
OK This Really Pisses Me Off!!
OK we all know that stupid ppl mean well but they can piss ya off sooo bad!! Like for instance.... on AOL you can put your away message on and if anybody IMs you the IMs won't come thru. That's fucking brilliant!! BUT on Yahoo if your away message is on and ppl IM you the fucking IMs still come thru! FUCKING GAY ASS SHIT YALL!!! I put my damn away message on so my buddies see that I am busy. Well sadly enuff some of my buddies are morons!!!!They IM me over and over and over and over again. Especially if my away message says Im busy! "What ya doin? What ya doin? What ya doin? WHAT YA DOIN???" HOLY FUCKING SHIT I'M BUSY DUMBASS SO OBVIOUSLY I REALLY CAN'T TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW!!!! Yea you can block these crazy fuckers but since they dont know how to take a hint they go under another screen name and start fucking with ya again!!! Sometimes when it is just non-stop IMs I sign-off of Yahoo, but that really pisses me off cuz there are some ppl on there that actually have a clue! Oh and forget going under invisible mode cuz the stupid bastards still IM you, sometimes when I am signed off and later I sign back on, my offline messages thing is packed, with IMs like, "I know your there" You can't hide from me" "lol" "So what ya doin?" "Hello???" Then they get pissed cuz Im ignoring them, WELL DUUUUUUUHHH!!!!!!!!!!! OK well, I had to bitch about that cuz it was really bothering me! Yall have a good weekend and talk to yall laters.