This closes the doors to VISA for a lot of transactions. According to these statements, anyone not paying the free should expect reduced revenue due to the fact they cannot process VISA.
For a small site, that can't afford to pay the fees. It doesn't hurt much does it? They can still take mastercard and all the other processing methods. The third party processors will be hurt by this, their whole business plan just got fucked up the ass as far as visa transactions are concerned.
Lots of opportunity for Mastercard or other card companies to jump on this and make a lot of money.
Not only that, LOTS of opportunity for larger paysite programs to offer an umbrella to smaller paysites and get more dominance in the adult internet.
Time is ticking and the smart paysite programs should be jumping on this, if visa transactions really do hurt that bad there is huge opportunity for smaller sites to get gobbled up under a nice umbrella system, reseller benefits, etc.
I see any smaller paysites who can get under this umbrella of some smarter large paysite programs making even more money from this.
Its a new move that will probably benefit Visa in more ways than just registration fees.
I wonder how this affects companies like Paypay, I can't see them charging thier member base these crazy charges to keep accepting Visa.
Every day is gonna count this week, the smart cookie will make shit loads of money and expand their adult internet presence this month.
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