I personally don't mind the the button under my avatar, regardless if it's an ad or nomination.
Members of the board can advertise their programs in their sigs. I don't think the little button takes away from views to their sig.
If members want to advertise their program, these buttons allow another way for people to advertise other than buying ad space on the main page, in the newsletter...
I've seen members use their avatars along with their sigs to promote their programs. There's nothing wrong with this technique. Having this new button feature below your avatars will not take away from noticing your avatar.
Having a button in the rotation, allows for members & sponcors to gain more exposure because they appear whenever any member posts. They are not invasive, "in your face", annoying pops. It's simply a button placed with space between your avatar and the ad button.
I'll stand by Chris in his decision to implement this new advertising button. I don't see anything wrong with it. Every single board sells ad space. Boards aren't just places to post, they are a business. Chris owns XNations and all the real estate. He's entitled to implement advertising options where he feels it will benefit XNations and the people who choose to participate in these options.
Maybe Chris can change the size of the button, or make rules that they can not be ads with sounds, or they can only be static images or text???
Maybe this new advertising option will work, maybe it won't. But regardless, I still will stand by Chris in this new advertising option.