I missed the whole GFY posting concerning what they did about placing an ad under someones avatar and members' reactions to it.
Quite frankly, when I first saw the ad buttons under members' avatars here on XNations, I didn't view it as that particular person being associated with the ad being displayed. I just simply saw it as an ad. I can see how people could view it as an ad for something that particular member was a associated with, instead of interpreting it as just a random ad.
Ever since SigSwap, Swoit, and various sig programs and deals, I really don't always associate that webmaster carrying the sig as being a representative or affiliate for the ad in the sig. Some of them are obvious cuz I recognize that particular webmaster as the owner or employee of a particular company. Then some aren't so obvious cuz people promote various sponcors or participate in different sig programs. So, I just simply carried that perception when I saw the buttons under members' avatars.
Maybe a solid bar or some type of design feature could be implemented to distinguish the ad from the members' avatar and info?