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Old 12-05-2003, 04:19 PM   #1
MarkTiarra should edit this
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Default Need Designs for the January Show?

It's getting to be crunch time and I know lots of people are trying to get stuff in time to launch for the show. I've bribed all my guys to work double time (had to use a few of the Covergals, you know how it is!) so we can help people get that last minute stuff in on time. So if you're feeling the pressure and need to outsource some ads, webmasters proggy designs, tours, and even print materials for the show... give me a shout, we've got some crazy fast turnaround times for the next month. =]

Portfolio is at http://www.lumyr.com/portfolio.html

Check out our latest in-house "reality" tour that's holding at 1:250 at http://pornese.deluxepass.com

And of course, have a great holiday!
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