12-06-2003, 05:10 AM
should edit this
Bold, brave,& opinionated
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Terminatorville!!
Posts: 299
xBucks: 2,907
OMG THANK YOU PANKY!!! That made me very happy to know that I am accepted here by you and everyone else, but you were the one that made me decide to become a member here. You posted Foamy's Rant the day I was surfing for a message board and when I got done watching that, I knew that the ppl here had great sense of humors and so I thougth I would fit in well here, until I saw what this board was all about lol I was a lil concerned that I was in the wrong place for me but I don't mind it and I wouldn't want this place to change a bit!! I love it and everyone here, and I am learning new things and thinking that I might like trying it out for myself, just have to do more research on it all. Well, thanks so much again you guys!!!