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Old 12-09-2003, 11:48 AM   #1
Raya should edit this
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Default To Bad, So Sad, My printer rejected my project


And just a few weeks before the show. I get this email...

After reviewing your files with my superiors, I sadly have to inform you that due to the content of the images supplied for printing, we are unable to accommodate the production of your order. While we are open to the idea of helping people realise their creative ideas, we are forced to turn away work that may be considered offensive or pornographic, mainly out of respect for the men and women in our facility who run our presses and other machinery. We hope you respect and understand our stance on this issue. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at all.

I really didn't think they would have such an issue. OK so maybe the sticker is over the top.

Can I get some opinions and maybe someone knows an actual industry printer...

I feel so pornographic


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