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Old 12-09-2003, 03:38 PM   #2
Feynman should edit this Edit
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It was to be expected.

The question is not "are they excessive?" but

"Could they be alledged to be excessive by the lowest, scummiest political correctness extremist in the place with an axe to grind, a wallet to fill or both ?"

The answer is yes.

So the balls-less business owner will not process them. Or, he *knows* that he'll get in infinite trouble and it's not worth the trouble to him.

Unless you have a contract with him... Then, he'll have to honor his contract. Ask him to pay for your troubles of finding out a new printer. Ask for his help to send you to one of his competitor. These guys knows who does what. Let him have a glimpse of what might happen to him if he doesn't honor his contract...

Another suggestion: go to very small print shops, ran privately, sometimes family businesses with a limited number of employees.

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