Originally posted by Buff
Trust me on this.
My daddy always told me not to trust people who say "trust me on this"
Perhaps they walked away from a plane crash... They're freaks, dear reader, and most end up in cloistered sects, institutions or dumpsters.
As a matter of fact, I did walk away from a plane crash. It took me 14 weeks to re-glue my broken neck and spine and various other bones.
I also knew a fairly large sample of people who's been in crashes (compared to the average individual) All of them who did not end up in a coffin ever ended up where you alledge they usually end up. They all resumed business as usual, only with more taste for life. My airplane crash is the best thing that ever happened to me. I was eager to go back up. While immobilized on my hospital bed, I kept reading experimental aircraft magazines. I flew back as soon as it was medically safe for me to do so.
By avoiding "importance" when we can, and wrestling with it when we must.
You mistake importance with obsession of the things you cannot have a control upon. Have you been checked for Generalized Anxiety Syndrom lately ? Try Zoloft, Paxil or Rivotril/Klonopin, it works wonders... Mind you, I know some who swears by Ativan... They are not pilots, though.
The subtext here is that nearness to death gives us nearness to truth, and that on our deathbed we're visited by preternatural calm and perfect clarity.
Inasmuch as some people shed their delusions, yes. As for the preternatural perfect clarity, isn't that a contradiction in terms ?
Well, maybe. But it probably also scares us shitless and encourages us to say any fool thing that enters our fevered brains. Let's be honest, if deathbed utterances were a reliable handbook for life, then the famous author's commencement speech would be titled "More Morphine, Please." And, for once, I'd actually believe he wrote it.
You're wrong again. When you're in a hospital bed, "More Demerol, Please" is not required, just "Demerol" in itself was enough to have the nurse running and me flying again.

Man, you earned a 110% mark on bullshiting abilities.
What's your purpose, landing writing contracts here?
Can you write good copy without bullshit? That IS the question...