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Old 12-10-2003, 02:28 PM   #1
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Default What's Important for Adult Web Hosting?

I've spend the last 8 years in the web hosting industry. I've successfully build two different popular hosting businesses. I'm extremely familar with the industry, and rarely see the outside of the datacenter. :-P I'm starting a brand new company specifically for Adult hosting. What advice, and features are important to the adult hosting community?

I've done quite a bit of research (and I could be wrong) but it seems like every adult hosting company isn't really geared specifically toward adult hosting. Most seem to have just the same features found at any host but "allow adult content". What things are important to adult webmasters when they host? Special scripts? What would make your life easier? What does your current host "not get" about your buiness needs?

I'm trying to develop "killer" features I can offer. Some ideas are built in adult TGP scripts, galleries, payment intergrations, and so on.

What are your thoughts, rants, raves, or ideas about adult hosting in general?

Thank you!
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