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Old 12-10-2003, 04:32 PM   #1
NIGHTfall should edit this
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Default Free Email Signup Program - Converts!

Hi guys, I am new here but I plan on visiting often I figured I would share with you what I make a lot of money off of.

For the past year I have been using SignUp4Cash for my main banners. SignUp4Cash is a "free membership" adult sponsor which does not require a credit card. This makes the traffic convert like no other. In all honesty out of all the programs I have used, SignUp4Cash has been the only one to pay me on time, EVERY WEEK, with no min. payout. SignUp4Cash is excellent. They offer $1.00 per Free email signup, 65cents for every REMOTE email signup, and the best part is there is not min. payout to reach! My very first check I ever received from them was only $2.00 Their program converts great. I have never been so happy with a sponsor. The staff are wonderful people and take the time out for you if you ever need the help. Ever since I started using SignUp4Cash my traffic has become a goldmind for me. I replaced all my other banners with SignUp4Cash banners because this sponsor is the only sponsor who I know of who keeps their word and pays every time, on time.

Well, I hope I convinced you to at least take a look at them, I promise you will not be disappointed. Why keep waiting for your banners to reach a min. income of $100 when you can get paid every single week for every signup you get no matter if its only 1 signup or 1,000,000 ? Well, I will become a frequent at these boards now, Talk to you guys later.

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