12-10-2003, 11:07 PM
is the Queen of Mean
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Re: Re: Dear Reader
Originally posted by Feynman
As for the preternatural perfect clarity, isn't that a contradiction in terms ?
Wouldn't that depend on how it is used? The way it was written, "The subtext here is that nearness to death gives us nearness to truth, and that on our deathbed we're visited by preternatural calm and perfect clarity." ,would be a contradiction in terms if the person was afraid of death and or of dying. If the person accepted that he or she may die, or willingly wants to die, than the experience might be perceived as welcomed. The experience would be understood and accepted.
I don't know. I could've just typed complete nonsense too.
I had this little riff about how the vibrations of an electric toothbrush get communicated through the dense bone structure and end up tickling the most sensitive parts of your nose, but I advised you to use one anyway.
LOL! True. That "tickling" of your nose happens to some people.
There's a part in that statement that is not correct, however. The "tickling" feeling occurs because you are stimulating the nerve endings of the nerves that supply the lips, maxillary anterior teeth, palate, and various facial muscles. Because the maxillary jaw bone is quite thin, there is less interference. If the upper jaw were as dense as the mandible, the vibrations would be dulled or muted all together.
