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Old 12-11-2003, 12:08 AM   #1
Adult Site Traffic
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Default Scammed by a traffic broker .. ?

Many people we have worked with or know have been scammed by traffic brokers in the past few months. Legitimate brokers have tried to follow, post and warn people, but we cannot reach you all.

I'll not sure I how I feel about http://www.findtrades.com/brokers.shtml , because it is not an unbiased reporting system, and many factors can influence the outcome, however, we need your help. All of you who have ever bought traffic.

The reason it's not considered unbiased, in my opinion, is because people can add whatever they like, or feel their traffic management skills are in relation to the traffic received. However, kudos to Choker for listing himself. As a general rule, legitimate reviews will not be deleted or altered, period.

In co-operation with many honest and legitimate brokers working out here with you, I ask you to speak your mind.

If you have bought traffic from anyone on this list, please post your honest unbiased opinion. If we get enough reports, we can point people here for at least, some information.

Please view http://www.findtrades.com/brokers.shtml . If you know a site that's not on the page, please make note of it.

Then, go to http://www.findtrades.com/ and register. Log in. Find the link to review or suggest a broker, and post. Everything is confidential.

PLEASE make SURE you verify the broker by opening the site in a new window before posting any information.

Thank you.
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