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Old 12-11-2003, 02:18 PM   #3
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by BossHawg
I'll be sitting at the final table this time around waiting for you...

My brother/partner Dirt-E got a TERRIBLE BEAT as well. He was sitting as the last 2 on his table and got preflop Q-J..all in and the other guy came in as well ALL pre-flop. The other guy had a J-10...He was a massive favorite and would have knocked the other guy out. A fucken 10 comes and nothing else, so he lost...Not much you can do when that shit happens haha Them are the breaks in poker I guess
Yeah, that blows.

That's why I was so amazed I hung in for as long as I did.

I seemed to get 4-9 unsuited dealt to me all night long. Nothing you can do with shit like that.
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