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Old 12-12-2003, 02:51 PM   #12
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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From one point of view the context in which preternatural calm and clarity was written, actually should not have been used. Because, by definition, preternatural refers to after death.

Another point of view is that the term was used in describing when people are in limbo between death and life. If they tend to lean more towards the side of death, but not dead yet, then to experience a "preternatural calm and clarity", is not completely off base. Some people tell of experiences they had when they were in this "limbo". It's often described as if "God" or an "angel" came to visit them. There was no more fear. Suddenly, the mind was clear, uncluttered. For some people, it is their time to die. For others, they still have more life to live, so they "fight" to stay on the side of "life".

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