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Old 12-12-2003, 03:54 PM   #18
Fyrflygrl should edit this
Kilts are sexy ;)
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Okay guys and dolls, statistics say that it takes an average of 7 attempts before successfully quitting smoking...I'm on my 3rd genuine attempt.

Everyone that smokes needs to quit, but let's face it... we don't quit because we're addicted, but moreso because we ENJOY smoking...

I'm at less than 5 cigarettes a day, and allow myself 2 guilt free ones that I smoke right in my living room. I haven't smoked inside since I've had kids, so smoking in my living room is an absolute luxury. I like to wait til the kiddos are in bed and I'm completely settled in for the evening, mix a cocktail and smoke two cigs (100's, so they're long), one right after the other.

The two guilt free cigs have helped me realize that I'll probably never stop smoking completely... but if I can have my two cigarettes a day, I've eliminated the other 20+ that I was smoking, and still get to enjoy the ritual of smoking... and I really look forward to it at the end of my day.

I haven't quit, but that's how I've cut back significantly...

My pennies worth,


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