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Old 12-15-2003, 08:14 AM   #23
Hammer should edit this
The Porn Professor
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It's really not that hard to quit smoking. You just find a relative or friend that's dying of lung cancer and hang out with them while they die. I comforted my grandfather during his last days and watched him go from a 165 pound semi pro golfer to a 98 pound bag of bones in 6 months.

The thing that kills me about people that I try to convince to stop smoking is when they say 'well, we've all got to die from something'. That's very true, but it doesn't have to be something incredibly painful that makes your family suffer too.

Before you get too upset with me I'd like to point out that I started smoking when I was 14 and smoked until I graduated from college, but after the above mentioned unpleasantness I just quit. It didn't take a patch or support groups, it just took the realization that I wanted to live a long and happy life and a little will power.

Oh, and for anyone that uses the excuse that you'll gain weight after you quit smoking. OMG, listen to yourself. You're willing to do something that's incredibly unhealthy for you just to keep from gaining weight? Have you ever heard of excercising?

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