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Old 12-15-2003, 05:36 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default Ask The Hun anything and win an Xbox for Christmas!

Our guest for next Monday's radio show is none other than The Hun himself!

As this is also our last show before we hit the road to FILM in Las Vegas, we're gonna offer YOU our listeners the opportunity to ask the questions and maybe win something along the way.

Patrick has said that you can ask any questions you like, although "He may not answer".

List all of your questions here. Obviously, we won't be able to ask them all, but we'll ask as many as possible.

What we declare to be the "Best question" will win their choice of an XBox or $1000 worth of content from Xamo. The second best question will win the remaining prize. The third best question will win a baby tee from Xamo and a Jack Rabbit Vibrator from www.moneyintoys.com .

Winners must be in our chatroom at the time the questions are asked or they will forfeit their prizes and we will pick another winner.

Check out the fast streaming video feed and join in the chat next Monday, December 22nd at http://www.xamo.com/radio/ at 3PM EST / 2PM CST / 12PM PST/8PM GMT. OR, you can access just the chat via irc at chat.xamo.com Channel-#live

Thanks to our sponsors: www.Yankscash.com & www.moneyintoys.com & www.xnations.com!

The producers of "The Ron Stewart Show" would also like to thank all of our guests who have appeared since our creation. You can listen to the archives of these guests just by clicking the corresponding link.

from Publicflash

from Contentguys

from DetourInteractive

Evil Chris
from Xnations

from Shempgroup

from Kaylacam

Hammer-not active until Wednesday

from PornProfessors
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