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Thread: Price of smokes
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Old 12-15-2003, 10:57 PM   #25
LAJ is a bad influence
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Vid... it's time to quit man... ya gotta just "do it"

Pick a quitting smoking program and stick with it.

Avoid all of the "triggers" that get you to light up... not smoking when you first wake up and when you go to bed and drinking less alcohol are the best ways to cut down before quitting.

Write down 10 damn good reasons to quit smoking and put it on your wall... READ IT OUT LOUD EVERY DAY when you get up and when you go to bed.

Start telling everyone NOW that you are gonna quit... and force them to humiliate you if you start up again.

Drink lots of water and masturbate... A LOT. Chew gum... stay away from other smoke the first month.

Take it from someone who has been there and succeeded. I've saved a lot of $$ and a few years of life.

Smoker for 13 years... ex-smoker since Oct 4, 1998
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