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Old 12-18-2003, 10:41 AM   #1
123Jason should edit this
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Default i'm here...i'm queer...and, i forgot the rest but you know because you gay!

One thing I've always cherished about this industry and the people in it is that I've never had to hide anything about who I am, particularly when it comes to my sexual identity. In fact, when I was first hired way back when, the fact that I am gay was an asset. Although it has helped in many aspects of this business, there were also many times when I felt like the token fag. There was never an intentional placement of me in that role, simply a bunch of straight guys trying to produce gay content and looking to a gay man for advice. However, this begs the questions...

How effective do you think straight people can be at producing gay content and gay people at producing straight content? Should sexuality even be an issue as the matter is one of business? As a client, purchasing or promoting gay sites...are you more comfortable and confident in the product if it's coming from a gay person?

I'm always the one to bring this shit up. And I know I'm gonna get on a few nerves, but c'est la vie. I'm always curious as to the wide array of perspectives we have the ability to tap here.
Jason Stuve
Marketing Director, 123BILL Toll Free 1-866-BILL-123 | ICQ #233969317
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