For me... most of my first "vices" occurred in the 80s... with the exception of my first adult magazine... that was in 1979...
NO LIE... check out this list... hahahah worked out pretty damn well year by year...
1980 - first cigarette
1981 - discovered I could jerk off without shooting blanks LOL
1982 - viewed first porn movie on VHS
1983 - got drunk for the first time
1984 - got high first time... also got past "first base" that year for the first time
1985 - lost virginity
1986 - tried "harder stuff"
1987 - hmmm... won't get into all the mischief i was up to that year
1988 - first arrest (won't say why
1989 - ooh that was another busy year....
Heh.. there's a lot more but I figured this list was damaging enough
Notice the natural progression downhill LOL... don't try this at home!
Oh man.... I LOVE the 80s... I miss the hell I used to raise...