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Old 12-22-2003, 05:31 PM   #1
xxxjay should edit this
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Default Jay's New Linklist

Since, November 2001, when I started Jays XXX Links it has become a very popular. Jays has grown from a mere 5,000 visitors a day, around this time last year, to an average 65,000-80,000 visitors a day now. I do not use traffic trading scripts or blind linking – it’s 99% SE traffic and bookmarks. I have decided to take what I have learned and start a second linklist, this time it will list exclusively movie and video content.

Here it is:

Jay’s XXX Porn Movies Links

(Yeah, I know – it looks just looks my other site – this is a combination of smart branding, sheer laziness, shameless duplication of success, and lack of graphic design skill. I am still tweaking the site, so withhold any final judgment.)

I figure with more and more people going to broadband and DSL connections, an all movie linklist is the next logical step.

I have populated it with a bunch of stuff to get it started. I am now accepting submissions. All submissions that are approved will be given a listing for a full year, as opposed to the 180 day standard listings. Remember, this is not a TGP nor is it a site that links pictures – this is a linklist for movies. I also would like to see my recips listed with the recips of the other big linklists – call me stuck up, but that the way I want it. As many of you know, I concentrate on search engine traffic, so having your sites listed here is a great way for you to get spidered, and eventually get a few of your own SE hits. I’m also going to be running a lot of my own traffic through.

I already have a decent amount of links pointed into this site and it’s already indexed:

I’m also looking to trade with other links lists that have relevant content.

Email me at jayq@comcast.net if you have any questions.

If you are a free site builder – gimmie some submissions!

PS – there will be a top referrers list once I get the script plugged in.
Let me know what you think.
These are my sites:
http://www.snizzshare.com - OCCash
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