12-23-2003, 02:33 AM
should edit this
Bold, brave,& opinionated
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Terminatorville!!
Posts: 299
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OMG most of those movies i saw in the 90s cuz i was born in 85 so i dont remember much i do remember some commercials, i loved commercials when i was a kid. like milk comms and cerela comms, and my all time fave 80s movie was caddy shack!! Bill Murray cracked me up in that movie LMAO!!! i notice most ppl here say they had sex in 85 for the first time LMAO. That's nifty LOL! umm lets see.... oo oo mary poppins was cool too, but i saw that in the 80s im not sure if thats when it came out. hmm.. and umm... oooh ohh and TGIF i believe that started in 88 or so maybe not i dont remember. well thats all i can think of right now.