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Old 12-23-2003, 11:47 AM   #23
Brad Mitchell
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I remember being cool in elementary school and a nervous unpopular wreck in middle school. I remember my first BBS that I owned and operated in 7th grade... It was called NOTLDBBS because I was a big fan of Night of the Living Dead. I think I might have been way ahead of my time - that's when I first started peddling porn, on that board.

I remember listening to Depeche Mode, being the recluse that I was... the first time I french kissed a girl, or for the record, she started it

I remember big Christmas' with piles of presents... I remember thinking that smoking was a vile habit.

But most of all, I remember my older brother telling me that I was missing out on life because I wasn't involved with sports - instead I spent my time on the computer. Ha! He eats his words now.

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