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Old 01-07-2004, 03:44 PM   #4
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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It seems that quite a lot of people have found out shit with the new option in CCBill's affiliate admin. Our program did have a few accounts showing no rebills and with a 1% payout. And there were an additional few that had a $2.00 flat rate and no rebills. Very strange because we never ever had any kind of PPS program. It has been 50% partnership from the beginning. Regardless, this has been corrected and the affected affiliates have already been paid. There were only 3 that were actually active affiliates that had any sales. I thought it was a screwup by me until I saw all the shit on GFY but I guess it probably WAS a glitch on CCBill's part.

The really stupid thing is that there are a bunch of guys saying that they won't signup with any programs that use CCBill now. Why the hell would they want to stay away from something that actually lets them see this stuff? Anyone with their own affiliate program software can put all the cute little bugs in it that they want to fuck people and you will never know it. With CCBill that particular loophole has now been closed! So it's really a much better reason to sign up with a program that uses them.
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