Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
MASSPASS.COM were crawling each and every post on our board, and harvesting whatever info they thought might be of use to them ...
I have friends at LAVASOFT (makers of Ad Aware™) who told me that several formal complaints have been filed against them for browser hyjacking, and all kinds of shitty practises. Not exactly the kind of behavior you'd expect from an AVS site.
I have been more than fair in giving them the opportunity to answer to these allegations ... yet they choose to do NOTHING ...
So I guess bottom line is everybody draw their own conclusions, but I strongly suggest that you DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH MASSPASS.COM.
They are hosted on RACKSHACK.NET ... who I truely believe to be a decent operation, so maybe my next step will be to contact Rackshack and discuss with them how their client conducts business ...
Just a friendly heads up ... I thought people would be interested in knowing
If you own a board/resource site, you may want to check the IP address against your logs, and or block it. They were hitting our board at a rate of 140,887 times in less than 24 hours.
I dunno about rackshack. Recently I have gotten spam with a message body saying they would host anything illegal that you wished. I thought maybe it was an affiliate link but reading the source it didnt seem to be