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Old 01-10-2004, 05:02 PM   #3
PrincessX should edit this
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I ended up missing the expo on Mon. 'cas my plane left Tampa 3 1/5 hours late... but I still had a great time!! The smaller attendance seemed to make it easier for me to make up for the lost time on Tues. and really make some quality new contacts... as well as making it easier to spend time w/ old friends.

A lot of people have been expressing disappointment in the parties this year, but I thought they were awesome. A big THANK YOU to the sponsors who hosted each of them!!

Even though I didn't win the poker tourney, I still made it through quite a few rounds... hubby made it to the final three tables and a couple friends made it to the top 10!

Won at craps, and that's always enough to make it a great trip to Vegas.

It was smaller but I also didn't get as run down as usual.

Definitely worth it and definitely looking forward to the next event!!


Shannon G
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