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Old 01-11-2004, 07:21 PM   #7
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Originally posted by DrGuile
I dont get it....

isnt that exactly, precisely the same as promoting spread4u? (trough spread4u)

Good question... I'll answer it here.

In terms of content and payout, there is no difference between Spread4U and WebcamCash. So why did we launch WebcamCash?

First, so we would have one program under which to promote Spread4U and our new gay site, Stroke4U, plus whatever sites we may decide to launch in the future.

Second, Spread4U and Stroke4U are perceived by many webmasters as a content plug-in for member sites. But they are also stand-alone sites and we want to give everyone in our industry the opportunity to promote them as such. That is why WebcamCash also has several new marketing tools that were previously unavailable under the Spread4U or Stroke4U programs.

I hope I answered your question!

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