X Nations - View Single Post - Congrats to Panky for winning the YNOT chat promo this week!
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Old 01-14-2004, 10:53 PM   #3
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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LOL! You beat me to it! LOL! I got busy with some things and never did post my "I won! I won! I won!" post here! LOL!

It was funny today when you hit me up about 15 minutes before the HumpDay show to tell me the news. At first I was like "I won? I won what? " LOL! I had completely forgotten about the contest going on and I think I might've posted on YNOT a total of like 5 times in the past 2 weeks. So, the contest didn't enter my mind. I'd chalk it up to a "blonde moment", except I can't. I'm not blonde.

As far as announcing what prize I will claim, well I'll tell you tomorrow. You know how us women are about making up our minds.

A big thank you goes out to Adult Content.ca, Braincash and YNOT !

I must say that the prizes up for grabs are really cool!

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