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Old 01-21-2004, 02:33 PM   #12
taboo_gal should edit this
Angel with a Devil's Grin
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FunBrunette, you said exactly what I said to my mother. I don't do the reality/make me a star shows, but she does. So, I was on the phone with her and heard Simon's bashing and was disgusted. I don't think people that really aren't talented should be on television showing us all how untalented they are, but they don't need to be torn to shreds. Then you have to consider that some of them may have talent, but are not very good performers, get nervous in front of large crowds of people, etc. There is an enormous amount of stress on these people to deliver and not make fools of themselves. Unless they are naturals, they'll not succeed at that. Still, no reason to make them feel like dirt.
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