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Old 01-27-2004, 04:59 PM   #6
Dravyk should edit this
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Originally posted by GoodChris
The system you are talking about is for hosting your own TGP correct?

What I am looking for is a script that will automatically take my affiliates code and take a prebuilt gallery that I have had made and save an html page with their linking code attached to the links back to our sites.
We're talking the same thing here. This is a script for sponsors to give to their affiliates dynamic hosted-galleries. I sincerely am not sure if CCBill offers anything like this or not.

As for the simple coding part, again, it all depends on what one needs or wants.

This particular script makes it so that it doesn't take up server space (you do not need to copy the content to a new directory each time for each affiliate for each gallery, for instance). This allows choosing from multiple templates and altering those templates so affiliates will get listed. (A normal script will turn out a few, and after TheHun or whomever has seen that same exact gallery with the same exact content submitted 85 times the following day, will no longer take galleries from that sponsor.) As well as picking from a pool of content and a pool of banners too, thus ensuring thousands of combinations of galleries and that they will therefore get listed.

To put all of this and more features in it, that takes much more than just basic programming and it takes a reasonable amount of time and labor to create. But, yes, if you want a script that will fill up your server hard drive, not be as versatile, slow down your server, and make a dozen galleries that won't be listed, yeah, that is "simple coding" and that would probably take any PHP novice 15 minutes and he can charge your $25 for it. Question is, now how good is the damned thing to you and how long before you chuck it in the virtual trash can?
Pssst. Got Non-Adult sites?
Keep looking here.
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